Safe Harbor laws: Mitigating the impact of a data breach
Today’s cybercriminals have become increasingly more sophisticated in their ability to exploit weaknesses in security defenses. When a data breach does occur, the biggest losers,[...]

What California Businesses Should Know About the CCPA
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which became effective January 1, 2020, grew out of a need to protect the privacy of consumer data at[...]

Why Every Business Must Implement Web-Filtering Protection
Staying out of trouble may mean something as simple as just not going where problems hang out. Sound judgment and wise decision-making can help avoid[...]

Why You Should Focus on Improving Your Cybersecurity Strategy
Your cybersecurity strategy has been established and now you feel confident that your organization’s data is protected. While you should be applauded for developing a[...]

Managing Passwords—What a Small Business Can Do to Minimize Risk
A network that is not adequately protected may be vulnerable to unauthorized access from competitors, government entities, and other malicious players. After someone gains access[...]

Mitigating Potential Threats with Sound Security Protocols
As cybersecurity becomes increasingly more complex, many organizations lack the resources or knowledge they need to create an effective security strategy. That’s why you need[...]

Everything You Need To Know About Network Assessments
Some businesses may think that once your network is set up you no longer need to invest any time or resources in it, but that[...]

Benefits of Virtual Desktop Deployment
Implementing virtualized desktops across your enterprise environment can provide users with a high-definition desktop experience while helping to improve security and reduce costs. While the[...]

3 Reasons Your Cybersecurity Is Broken (And How to Fix It)
Fixing cybersecurity problems in your organization should be a priority. As the tactics of cybercriminals become more advanced and the number of attacks increases, fixing[...]