Some businesses may think that once your network is set up you no longer need to invest any time or resources in it, but that is simply not the case. Your business’s network is constantly evolving and changing. Your network needs to be able to handle the growth of your business to ensure that there are no disruptions. One way to make sure your network goals and business goals align is by performing a network assessment.

Unfortunately, assessing a network is often one task that is left at the bottom of any team’s to do list. This can create a number of problems that will send shockwaves throughout any organization. Any organization’s network can quickly become too complex and tangled to secure and manage if not properly managed. Companies that do not perform network planning and management miss out on optimization opportunities that could drive quality improvements and cut costs.

Understanding the importance of a network assessment starts with a basic understanding of what a network assessment entails.

What Is A Network Assessment?

A network assessment is a comprehensive analysis of your organization’s entire IT infrastructure, management, security capabilities, and overall network performance. Network assessments are powerful tools that can be utilized to identify performance gaps, areas for improvement, and network functionality. The knowledge obtained during a network assessment can help executives make key decisions around IT infrastructure and strategy going forward.

Often organizations will order network assessments when their IT systems become too big or too complex. There may be issues popping up that are difficult to pinpoint through standard IT analysis. At this point, it can be difficult for organizations to gain a full understanding of what is happening throughout their network. Companies should be performing network assessments often to ensure that their systems are never out of control.

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What Does A Network Assessment Include?

Every organization’s network is different, which means that every network assessment will also be unique. A majority of network assessments have a few commonalities that organizations can use to build their own network assessment strategy.

Take A Physical Inventory

Any network assessment has to include accounting for all IT inventory that your organization has. If your organization has no idea how many servers and users have, then you will certainly have a difficult time understanding all of your IT infrastructure. Accounting for all of your physical assets can help your organization properly assess your network. For some organizations accounting for all IT assets could take weeks or even months. Identifying all of the physical IT assets can help teams identify which assets are being underutilized and what infrastructure needs are being neglected.

Cybersecurity Evaluation

Another key part of any network assessment is identifying any vulnerabilities present in your IT systems. The cybersecurity assessment portion of a network assessment examines current security controls and how effective they are in reducing overall cybersecurity risk. This portion can identify any vulnerability in a network, such as an inefficient firewall or outdated software applications.

A cybersecurity assessment does not just involve hardware and software; a proper network assessment will also look at how users interact with the network. Employees and customers are often the greatest risk in regards to cybersecurity. Understanding how big of a risk human error is in the context of a network can help an organization reduce that risk.

Network Performance Evaluation

Assessing your network will also involve evaluating the overall performance of your network. A slow network can frustrate not only employees, but potential clients and customers using your network as well. Poor network performance can lead to lost revenue and missed opportunities.

Network performance can suffer due to a number of causes, such as faulty software configurations or a high number of users. Identifying bottlenecks can help your organization resolve any network performance issues. A performance evaluation will help your organization identify the root causes of slow network functionality.

Potential Network Assessment Benefits

Network assessments are not just for show; they provide a number of advantages to organizations who put the time and effort into performing them correctly. Companies who invest in network assessments will have an edge over competitors who neglect their networks.

Patching Security Holes

A network assessment can help your organization find security vulnerabilities throughout your IT network. A network assessment that is properly done will uncover risks throughout a network. Typically, a network assessment will rank risks based on their threat level and likelihood of occuring. Decision makers can then take the appropriate measures to prevent the risks from turning into reality. Organizations can utilize the cybersecurity assessment to prevent catastrophic IT events, such as data hacks. A data leak can result in the loss of customer trust and hefty government fines.

Identify Cost-Savings Opportunities

Another advantage that network assessments offer organizations is the chance to identify inefficiencies in IT infrastructure. A majority of organizations have networks that are ripe with inefficiencies. Even the simplest network assessment can identify low-hanging fruit that teams can easily work on. Executives can then capitalize on these opportunities and drive down costs and improve efficiencies.

If your organization does not have the capabilities to properly conduct a network assessment, you may want to consider hiring some outside help. BACS has worked with various organizations to help them perform network assessments.

BACS Helps Organizations Optimize Their Networks

The experienced team at BACS can help your organization perform a proper network assessment that will give you the big picture of your IT infrastructure. No matter how complex or simple your network is, BACS will ensure that you make the right IT infrastructure decisions going forward. From identifying security flaws to creating cost savings, network assessments can help drive your business grow.

The BASC team is here to help you and answer any questions you may have regarding network assessments. Reach out to BACS today to learn more about network assessments and how a network assessment can help you drive business growth. We can develop a customized network assessment plan that meets your business needs.

ent plan that meets your business needs.

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    Jeremy Kushner BACS IT

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