BACS Consulting Group Wins Newcomer of the Year Award
BACS Consulting Group in Santa Clara, California, was nominated and won the coveted Channel Futures MSP 501: Newcomer of the Year Award for 2022.

On-Site IT and Its Considerable Advantages to Business
Business goals achieved through digital initiatives and technologies have transformed modern enterprises. Strategies focused on reimagining processes, products, and services create a competitive advantage. Blueprints[...]

Is Your IT Company Growing with You?
American enterprise has been on a rapid growth trajectory over the last few decades. Robust consumer spending and business investment continue with unremitting intensity. Deregulation[...]

Dangers of Piecemealing IT Solutions
A piecemeal approach to anything is characterized by small, haphazard measures of uncertainty over a longer period of time. Aside from the extended time to[...]

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing: What Are the Differences?
Complexities of software coding have risen exponentially over recent years, without signs of slowing down. As an example, Microsoft 95, released 25 years ago, consisted[...]

Why You Should Focus on Improving Your Cybersecurity Strategy
Your cybersecurity strategy has been established and now you feel confident that your organization’s data is protected. While you should be applauded for developing a[...]

Benefits Of Smart IT Planning
In today’s fast-moving business environment, short-sighted IT decisions can lead to costly, inefficient investments and subpar performance. This is especially true in the area of[...]

Why You Need An IT Strategy
Planning and strategy are key components of any successful business. The best business leaders in the world are constantly looking into the future and planning[...]

Managed IT Services Case Study – OrangeTwist
OrangeTwist started life as a single-location medical spa in Costa Mesa, CA, offering treatments such as Botox, facials, CoolSculpting® and more. As the company began[...]