Video Surveillance

Mitigate Risks with Effective Video Surveillance

Video Surveillance Services in Santa Clara

Rising social unrest and increasingly crafty criminals have expanded the threat landscape for businesses, elevating the risk for theft, vandalism, fraud and to employee safety. As onsite security guards become less prevalent and business operations become more dispersed, vulnerabilities in building security and employee safety can emerge.

Whether caused by human error or a malicious attack, a single lapse in building safety or unlawful entry can pose a substantial financial and safety risk. To prevent loss, protect equipment, and safeguard employees, you need a well-planned, efficiently executed video surveillance strategy built around proven best practices:

  1. Fortifying Your Security Defenses
  2. Reducing Liability in a World of Risks
  3. Optimizing Technology’s Full Potential
  4. Matching Capabilities with Business Needs
  5. Reaping the Benefits of  Better Security

Fortifying Your Security Defenses

From vandalism and theft to unsafe work practices, businesses today face a multitude of security risks. That’s where video surveillance is playing an increasingly vital role by helping to deter threats, protect buildings and infrastructure, and improve employee safety.

The fewer deterrents you have in place the more vulnerable you are to theft, property damage, and liability risk. That’s why it’s imperative that you bolster your security defenses and remain diligent in your effort to shield your employees and vital business assets from today’s rising threats.

At BACS, we are well-versed in the latest video surveillance strategies and techniques. We work with you to understand your security challenges and create a carefully balanced, priority-focused surveillance strategy tailored to your unique business needs.

Our strategic approach to video surveillance begins by identifying potential areas of vulnerability that could expose your business to unnecessary liability or risk. We then provide detailed recommendations on how to correct any issues and reinforce your defenses.

BACS provides video surveillance services and solutions across several key areas:

  • Security and surveillance planning and strategy
  • Vulnerability assessment and site evaluation
  • Hardware and software installation, integration and configuration
  • Remote viewing and monitoring
  • Loss prevention and liability protection
  • CCTV and IP video recording

Reducing Liability in a World of Risks

Today’s business environments are complex and diverse and can be distributed across geographies, making it increasingly difficult to detect threats and identify security flaws that could put your business at risk.

The good news is that effective video surveillance doesn’t need to be overly expensive or difficult to manage. It requires business intelligence, effective planning, and technology know-how.

That’s precisely what BACS delivers. Our strategic approach to technology recommendation, data storage, and monitoring preferences help ensure the best approach to protect your business and optimize your return on investment.

Our site assessment provides an in-depth review your existing infrastructure and building architecture, identifying potential site-level gaps or weaknesses. What areas of your facility present the greatest risk exposure? What are your current surveillance capabilities and what are you looking to achieve?

This insight provides the framework for a comprehensive surveillance strategy designed to strike an optimum balance between asset protection, operational efficiency, and ease of use.

Our expert consultants understand the complexities and challenges of technology selection and work to ensure your video surveillance solution aligns with your priorities and will scale appropriately. We recommend the latest video recording and camera positioning techniques to help ensure optimum site coverage and image quality.

BACS has extensive experience in specific use cases for video surveillance and can help you develop a plan that aligns with your goals and desired business outcomes. We can help devise a plan that will allow you to quickly implement a video surveillance solution for a single facility or across multiple locations, enabling you to remotely monitor your facility from any location.

Whether you need high-definition video or dedicated bandwidth for maximum reliability, we can create a strategy optimized for your needs. If you prefer to store your data in the cloud, we can help assess your infrastructure needs for a hybrid system that enables that flexibility, even for installations equipped with multiple cameras.

Our team of experts will help you:

  • Define and clarify your security vision and strategic imperatives
  • Analyze and identify opportunities, risks, and weaknesses in your infrastructure and building environment
  • Create and implement a video surveillance plan optimized for your unique requirements
  • Optimize networks and IT infrastructure for optimum efficiency and scale
  • Meet industry standards for compliance, security and uptime
  • Review  proposed security upgrades and recommend changes and improvements
  • Revise, update and implement end user policies and procedures

Optimizing Video Technology’s Full Potential

The rise of mobile, cloud, and other digital technologies has increased the need for specialized IT knowledge and expertise, but it also has expanded the range of capabilities across a number of disciplines, including video surveillance. Understanding the type of technology you need to reach your goals is essential. Knowing how to get it done—how and when to invest, map, plan, coordinate, and engage the enterprise around your technology initiatives—is equally important.

Designing an effective video surveillance system is a complex process that must consider several important variables, including the type of cameras to use. While closed-circuit television (CCTV) analog systems have been the mainstay in surveillance technology for many years, IP video technology is rapidly gaining ground―and for good reason.

IP-based video surveillance systems typically provide higher quality images compared to analog systems. They are also easier to manage and control. Data can be easily transmitted over the network where it can be monitored in real-time and compressed and processed for storage in any location – whether on premises or in the cloud.

Unlike video stored on tape, digital video quality doesn’t diminish with age. Video recordings can be retrieved and reviewed for investigation purposes and retained for a length of time determined by company policy.

Recent advances in IP recording technology utilize video analytics as a proactive security tool. Using machine learning algorithms, video analytics can help identify and track people and objects, detect irregular and unusual behavior, and predict certain scenarios.

As employee safety and asset protection become increasingly more complex, many organizations don’t have the resources or knowledge they need to effective apply the right technology in the right environment. That’s why you need a trusted security expert like BACS who not only understands the latest security trends, but can accurately define your business requirements and create a plan that aligns with your current and long term needs.

Our insight and experience working in highly-regulated industries such as banking and finance help ensure our technology recommendations are accurate, efficient and complete. From designing IT security and business continuity programs and creating an implementation roadmap, we can help ensure that your infrastructure and video surveillance investment decisions are built on a firm foundation.

At BACS, we understand the intricacies and nuances of video surveillance and work to ensure your technology decisions align with your business priorities. We propose cutting-edge security techniques as part of a multi-layered defense strategy to help strengthen your protection against rising threats and comply with regulatory mandates.

Matching Capabilities with Business Needs

Businesses will often look to the latest technologies that will deliver the fastest return on investment. This approach can work in the short term, but without proper planning, IT teams often find themselves struggling to manage an unwieldy infrastructure.

Today’s range of video recording and surveillance technology options are broader and more complex than ever, which makes it increasingly difficult to make smart investment decisions. Choosing the right video camera is a good example.

For many businesses, the decision typically hinges on a balance of aesthetic preferences and technical needs. Small businesses often prefer bullet-type cameras for prominent appearance and effective deterrent capability. They’re easy to see from a distant and represent the traditional look and feel of security cameras. Dome cameras are often the preferred choice in larger commercial settings due to their ability to blend into certain environments better than bullet-style cameras.

At BACS, we leverage our in-depth technical knowledge and expertise to recommend the right cameras in the right location to meet specific security requirements. We’ll help you understand the importance of asset protection and employee safety and how a well-planned video surveillance strategy can help increase operational efficiency, reduce loss, improve productivity and enhance customer service.

We use our deep business application knowledge and understanding of how technology will impact business models to help guide you to the right solution. Our consultants understand the complexities and challenges of application integration and technology deployment and work to ensure your solution aligns with your priorities and will scale appropriately.

BACS provides strategic technology guidance in several core areas:

  • IT Assessment and Strategy
  • Technology Planning and Roadmap Alignment
  • Business Application Management
  • Information Security Strategy
  • Budgeting and Resource Planning
  • Benchmarking and Performance Assessment
  • Technology Capabilities and Systems
  • Cloud Strategy and Assessment
  • Risk Management and Compliance
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Reaping the Benefits of Better Security

Innovation can transform your business and elevate your performance, but navigating the world of video surveillance isn’t always easy. Through experience, focus, and discipline, BACS has honed its skills to identify the best path to success. We have deep experience helping companies of all sizes make the right technology decisions.

We work with you to understand your vision and then create a plan of action that will support your objectives and allow you to manage and protect your business better and smarter. We partner with proven video surveillance solution providers to help bring your business into a new era of employee and asset protection and operational efficiency.

Businesses today face an ongoing security challenge as they strive to protect their employees and property from rising threats. But creating an effective security plan takes time and effort.

That’s where BACS can help. Our consultants will assess your current surveillance capabilities and evaluate your strategic options―whether it’s updating your firewall, adding more cameras, or implementing more robust policies and procedures across the enterprise.

Not all security consultants are created equal and choosing the wrong one could prove costly. As your business needs change and grow, more focus is needed to ensure your core infrastructure and operational processes are designed, implemented, managed and controlled in a consistent manner. Selecting an IT service provider that can offer the specialized expertise you need is critical.

At BACS, our focus is on helping you effectively manage, support and secure your IT operation for continuous improvement. Our flexible managed services delivery models are designed to meet your specific needs while minimizing the impact on your business.

You can count on BACS to:

  • Gain a deep understanding of your building security needs and your long-term goals
  • Advise you on how to best optimize the value of your technology investments
  • Identify and outline every strategic and business advantage we can find
  • Be your trusted partner for IT strategy and technology decisions

While there is no silver bullet to protect against all threats, new techniques and innovative approaches can help safeguard your property and assets without hampering productivity. Our consultants will assess the capabilities of your IT operation and evaluate your strategic options. We consider key infrastructure requirements, risk factors, performance capabilities, and resource optimization as part of a detailed, balanced strategy.

Safeguarding your vital IT infrastructure is not just a security concern; it is a fundamental business issue. It requires an intelligent investment in resources to meet an increasingly complex threat landscape.

In an era where technology often drives competitive advantage, staying on the leading edge is more critical than ever. A calculated, carefully planned approach to video surveillance can help keep your business efficient, safe and secure. While building an effective strategy requires considerable time and resources, the effort will pay dividends far beyond the initial investment.

For more information on our video surveillance solutions and services, contact us here.

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